And just like that, the countdown begins.

I won’t lie, I never thought I would get here – within the one year mark. Getting engaged seems like a distant memory and it has taken us so long to get here that it almost doesn’t feel real – but rest assured, it is. I have heard the year before your wedding FLIES by though so I’m not sure how I feel about that but inshallah I am excited yet scared for what’s to come!

I wasn’t quite sure what I wanted to achieve from tonight’s blog post but I just knew it was a special moment for me and I wanted to have a little catch up. So to give me some inspiration, I put on a Bollywood playlist (Teri Ore playing currently) and it’s totally got me in the mood to talk all things wedding and has made me feel all fuzzy inside.

Where we are at…

So we have booked the venue! And that’s about it! (Lol). It took us a while to pick the venue as we wanted something a bit different, but also accessible for us both as we live an hour away from one another, but also what we both liked and hey – we finally agreed on something! (a rarity I have realised once we started planning a wedding lol). When we went to visit it, I saw Nadeem snapping pictures on his phone and I just knew – he liked it, this made me like it more and now – we just love it. Ah.

This week I finally bought my wedding planner (it’s not here yet) and I feel this is when everything can ACTUALLY start. I am such a pen and paper kinda girl so when I get it I know I’ll get so excited to make all my lists with all my different coloured pens and get organising inshallah!

I have also been stalking MUAS on Instagram to get some inspiration and I think I’ve decided what kind of look I want (don’t worry – it’s all to come iA) but i’m just yet to find the artist! If you know of anyone you think is good and willing to travel – please do message me! 🙂 I know i’m on a bit of a time crunch as we are getting married on Easter weekend so it will be busy!

What the year will bring…

Probably a lot of tears haha. But honestly – I am excited to start planning. I think after Ramadan will be the right time to fully immerse myself in to the planning and we will start looking at photographers, caterers, decor companies etc. I will inshallah visit Pakistan at the end of the year to go wedding shopping with my family WHICH I AM SO EXCITED FOR (probably more than my wedding tbh) and I can’t wait to see my cousins and go to Liberty every night and shout at tailors and do dance practise and the lot of it – by far my favourite part of any Zeb wedding process.

Alongside wedding prep we are also looking for a house iA which is exciting! I won’t lie I really enjoy house hunting – I think it just adds to the whole building your lives together experience.

I am MUCH more relaxed than I thought I would be, and I think it’s partly because it took us so long to get to this point that I just think I want to enjoy the process and take it easy. I’m sure now that we are getting into the year before though – the stress levels will start rising.

And that’s really all for now. I just wanted a quick check in I guess, as I did promise to do some wedding related stuff on here. Inshallah as we start planning, there will be more to share – but I also want to savour some of the memories for us guys as it should inshallah be such a special time.

Thank you for reading and I hope you feel a little updated. I just request one last thing from you guys which is so important to me – please keep us in your duas (prayers). It would mean the world to us <3

Until next week!
